Leadership at full throttle

Start by Assessing

Take the EXCLUSIVE HWH 360 Self Assessment for free,
to see where you are at, and what areas to focus on first, as part of your leadership journey.

Your Business Shouldn't Need You

Find out how to break free

Leadership Dynamics and HWH Global partner to bring you Peter Cox's Leading for Growth course at a once-in-a-lifetime price. For $297, you get access to Peter Cox's signature course, and all of the associated meetings and bonuses, as well as more HWH-exclusive bonus content including an exclusive assessment, membership, and all short courses.

What are the benefits?

What does the choice and freedom of OWNING and LEADING your business, guided by Peter's teaching, bring?

  • Grow your leadership effectiveness.

  • Grow a high-performance team culture and business.

  • Grow the level of your employee engagement

  • Grow your retention of high performing team members.

  • Grow your long term strategic thinking – get ON your business.

  • Grow a business that doesn’t rely solely on you.

Bonus material

You aren't just getting Leadership 4 Growth!

  • All HWH Short-courses.

    As a premium course-taker, you get access to all short courses, ebooks and audio's for the next year, for absolutely free.

  • Invitation-only sessions

    Connect with Peter Cox, Martin Hutchins and others personally during invitation-only group sessions, where your questions will be answered and insights will be shared.

  • HWH leadership Tribe

    The HWH Leadership Dynamics Tribe, an exclusive community of international, high-profile leaders, executives and thinkers. Discuss and debate innovations, approaches, strategies and ideas, or just kick back and shoot the breeze.

Get cracking

Nothing is going to change until you take the first step.What are you waiting for?